I am sitting in the sun room, my favorite room in my new home. Lingala music is coming from the TV in the living room, sounds of a knife on a cutting board in the kitchen, a crying baby in one of the bedrooms, and the patter of 4 year old feet in the hallway. Yes, life has changed dramatically.
This morning, Mario and Christine and their three children ages 8, 4 1/2, and almost 3 months moved in with me. They arrived in Waterloo from Kenya on a cold evening last December. The small group I'm a part of met them at the airport to welcome them and have taken turns visiting them at least once a week. As Christine's pregnancy progressed the ladies who don't work have accompanied her to many doctor's appointments. The kids also had doctor appointments and dental procedures. Only Mario managed to escape multiple doctor visits. The kids adapted quickly to school and Natalie sometimes fills the role of translator for her mom. Their gentle spirits and faith in God have made it easy for us to love them.
When Mario expressed to us that he didn't feel safe in the house they were living in and how much he could afford in rent, we discussed different options. While out on a morning run I had the idea of them coming to live with me. I have room in the new home I moved into in May. The huge yard is begging to have some kids play in it and the basement reminds me of Mom sending my brothers and I downstairs to run off some steam in the winter. Mario would not have to be concerned about his family while he was working 2nd shift. They could get on their feet financially, improve their English, and save money to buy a house of their own. The group was supportive and the men are helping finish a 2nd bathroom in the basement. Mario and Christine were delighted and are so very thankful.
Yesterday when I showed the two older children around the house they were elated. Natalie looked around and said, "It's beautiful." When I showed them their bedroom and explained they would be sharing it she did a little dance. Exo is more quiet but his eyes were shining with excitement.
This morning the group helped them move their things over here while a couple of the ladies took the kids shopping for school clothes. My office, the guest room, and most of my living room furniture has been moved to the basement but there is still plenty of room for the kids to play. Christine worked on getting the kids' room organized while Mario hooked up the TV.
Now that it is quieted down, Christine is learning her way around my kitchen as she prepares a meal. Mario is unpacking in their room. I held precious Joshua as I typed this until he fell asleep and now he's sleeping on his little bed in the corner of the dining room. Natalie went to explore a bit outside and Exo is watching cartoons.
Mario's brother stopped by earlier and said my offer for them to live with me was an answer to prayer by everyone in the family, including their parents in Congo. He thanked me over and over again and said that I was now part of the family. I told him what I told Mario and Christine: their being here will likely me bless me as much if not more than it blesses them. There will be difficult times, days when I wish I had a little more space in my room, or more quiet at night, or easier communication across cultures. There will be days when they wish the temperature was a little higher in my house. (Mario is already wearing his coat with the AC set at 73.) I know I will cherish the quiet Sunday afternoons while they are at church. But I expect that I will also greatly miss them whenever they move out into their own place.