Monday, July 14, 2014

The Rez

Thursday was a short 51.9 miles from Martin to Porcupine, SD. After pedaling for more than 8 hours some days, the 4 hours spent in the saddle did seem short. Despite the shorter ride, we still had to work. There was a stiff crosswind from the south and I was thankful to ride with Gerry as we took turns sheltering each other from the wind as much as we could between the two of us. It helped to know that the route would turn north at mile 35. To be honest, I didn't see much of those first 35 miles. It was one of those days where you just put your head down and keep pedaling. Once we turned north, the wind was at our back and that made for a very enjoyable ride. It helped to have a long descent down to Wounded Knee on which I reached 35 mph. I did stop at Wounded Knee to be reminded again of that dark time in our nation's history.

Thursday and Friday we stayed at the local school in Porcupine, which is on the Pine Ridge Reservation. The unique thing about this ride, is having days set aside to help build/repair homes along the way. That is what the Fuller Center is all about--partnering with local groups to help meet the housing needs of the poor. We learned from the local partners that overcrowding is a major issue on the Reservation and a high percentage of the population is under the age of 15. Before becoming president of the Fuller Center, David Snell spent 6 years on Pine Ridge working to improve the housing situation. He and his wife spent some time with us and explained that it is easy to tell the difference between a home that is rented and one that is owned. As one might expect, home owners take better care of their property. The Fuller Center makes it possible for the poor to own their own home by providing interest free loans for the materials. In addition, the new owners work alongside volunteers as they are able to build/repair their home. On Friday our group worked in two different locations. I worked at the one-room home of a Vietnam Veteran who had come back to Pine Ridge to retire. By the time we left in the afternoon, the front door was replaced, there was a sturdy railing around the deck, and the outside had two coats of fresh paint.

Saturday morning we headed for Rapid City. Our 87.5 mile route took us through the beauty of the Badlands, which many in our group think is very poorly named. We were once again blessed with a tailwind in addition to a gradual downhill for most of the way. I rode with Leah and Melissa most of the way. On the quieter country roads, we were often able to ride three abreast which allows for some good conversation.

It was very nice to have two days off here in Rapid City. The 892.89 miles I'd put in over two weeks have taken their toll. My legs felt tired and sore just rolling over in bed. The rest was doubly needed for the 18 who have reached their half-way point in their journey all the way across the country. I've spent the time relaxing, reading, sleeping in (as possible), watching the World Cup final, cleaning my bike, and stocking up on necessary food items for the next couple of weeks.

Next week we head for Billings, MT via Sundance, Gillette, and Sheridan WY, and Hardin, MT. The wind forecast should be favorable, but the more serious climbing begins.

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