Sunday, July 3, 2011


In some ways I've been moving for more than a year. I started packing up my apartment in France in March 2010. This past Friday those boxes and furniture finally arrived at a location where they could be unpacked and set up. As busy as life has been these past few weeks, I'm really glad that I wasn't having to pack everything up here. Moving is stressful but maybe it's half as stressful when you only have to unpack.

The actual moving went well despite the hot and humid weather that had us all dripping with sweat. One blessing was that the whole block had been marked as "no parking by police order" for the week. Nothing was going on so we parked the trailer right in front of the door. In less than 2 hours we had unloaded the trailer and made a trip to get the things already in Minneapolis and gotten that upstairs as well. Mom, Aunt Barb and one of her German friends did a great job of cleaning the place up and unpacking the dishes. Uncle Wes, Jens, cousin Eric and three of his girls were troupers in getting everything up the 1 1/2 flights of stairs though Eric and Wes were really wishing there was a way to get the drawers out of my dresser.

The question of the day was, "Where are the cooking utensils and the silverware?" I had watched the mover pack it all over a year ago so I knew it had to be there. Long story short, it was hiding under a bunch of paper so it made the return trip to Iowa. Fortunately it wasn't tossed. In the meantime the plastic spoons I bought a couple of weeks ago have sufficed. I also made a trip to the thrift store for a can opener and something to use with stir fry so we will survive until it arrives.

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