Sunday, November 25, 2012


While Thanksgiving was the big celebration of the week for most Americans, in my family it was overshadowed by my parents 50th wedding anniversary celebration. Mom isn't one for a big party and did NOT want to celebrate their anniversary in a church basement. She prefers smaller gatherings where you can actually visit with everyone. So after much conversation she and Dad settled on two small parties, one on Friday evening and another on Saturday afternoon.

As I listened to the stories that were told, I was reminded of how much times have changed in the last 50 years. Weddings were always on Friday night back then and theirs didn't begin until 8 pm to make sure the farmers had time to finish the chores. When I consider how early my parents usually go to bed, it's amazing they were alert enough to remember their memorized vows. Aunt Mim brought a notebook with all of the music she and Aunt Barb had played at the wedding on the piano and organ. They had only one copy of one of the songs so Mim had copied it by hand. There were no copy machines back in 1962. The reception would be considered quite simple by today's standards, but for back then in NW Iowa, it was quite a spread. Not only was there angel food cake and ice cream but also turkey salad. Dad says he didn't remember much about the wedding, but he did say that they missed the reception since they were upstairs taking pictures. Most people were gone by the time they got to the church basement.

The purpose of marriage is to be a living illustration of the relationship between Christ and his church. How thankful I am to have parents (and grandparents) who are faithful to their vows no matter what the circumstances - in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, in joys and in sorrows. Through their commitment to each other, Mom and Dad have shown me God's faithfulness and commitment to me. For that I am very thankful.

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