Saturday, January 30, 2021

Celebrating John's Birthday

One of the things I did during 2020 was help my parents sort through boxes of photos. Most of them dated back to more than 9 years ago because that is about the time we started using our phones as cameras. We all looked much younger in 1994.

One of those boxes was labeled John and was filled with pictures he had taken  

  • of snowmobile trips with friends
  • of trailers he had made and sundry farming photos
  • of he and Lana and their trips to watch NASCAR races
  • of their wedding
  • and envelopes full of pictures of his precious daughter, Elizabeth.
I looked at some of them with tears in my eyes. He was a good son, brother, and friend. He was a faithful loving husband and he was such a good daddy. His smile lit up the room. He liked to tease though some didn't understand his sarcastic humor. His care for others was genuine. Life wasn't easy, but he was a good man who trusted in Jesus. 

Last Sunday morning, I listened to this song and I thought of John. We started singing it at my church about the time John died, 9 years ago. I remember times when I had to let others sing it over me because the words stuck in my throat as tears of raw grief ran down my cheeks. It speaks of Jesus' wondrous love that tasted the sting of death for all, disfigured and disdained, and 3 days later rose to shame the throes of death and overturn his rule.  The bridge and the final lines joyfully proclaim: 

He has cheated hell and seated us above the fall
In desperate places he paid our wages, one time, once and for all

... The man Jesus Christ laid Death in his grave. 

These words expressed the truth that was my rock 9 years ago. They still do. I'm so thankful that God has opened my eyes to see the beauty of Jesus my King. Those who despised and killed him actually participated in his coronation as they placed the thorns on his head. Because of him, this life is not the end. Yesterday John celebrated his 49th birthday with Jesus, his grandparents, Aunt Suzanne, and, knowing him, many many new friends he's met in the last 9 years. 

If it seems like a fairy tale that is too good to be true, ask God to open your eyes so you can see the glory of his sacrifice that understands and redeems your pain. 


  1. Beautiful writing and sharing. Thank you.

  2. I so enjoyed reading this, Alice. Thank you for sharing your heart and your faith! (And what a gift to get to keep up with each other a little bit in this way!)
