Monday, November 15, 2010

Odds and Ends

I was laying in bed last night and remembered I hadn't written anything here this weekend.  I was too snug under my blankets and quilt to want to get out of bed and I didn't really have any good ideas of what to write about so I stayed put.  I had talked to Mom on Sat evening and she did most of the talking.  In any case, here's some odds and ends just so I don't break my streak (even though I am a day late.)

Last week, despite the 60 degree temps, we got ready for winter by getting the upstairs windows covered with plastic.  (That "we" doesn't include me as I had no part in the actual work.)  I am living in a house that is over 100 years old and the window's aren't very tight so this will be a big help as temperatures fall.  Saturday I woke up to snow and it kept snowing until mid-afternoon.  It felt very much like a snow-day to me and I was wishing I had some hot chocolate in the house.  I did do the shoveling and walked to the library through.  It wasn't that much snow but it was heavy!

I've been more serious about the part-time job-hunt over the past week.  Part of my daily routine is checking the part-time job section on Craig's list and responding to anything that someone might think I was actually qualified for by looking at my resume.  So far, I haven't had any calls.  The disadvantage is that the vast majority don't have any company name so I can't actually follow up on them.  I'll keep trying.

Now it's time to study for my psychology test tomorrow on personality and motivation.  It's not too difficult but I do need to get the right dead men (and one woman) connected with the right concepts.

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