Sunday, December 5, 2010


For the past 18 years winters have been mild for me. Since I grew up in Iowa I know what "real winter" is all about but in France it was gray and rainy with temperatures in the 30s. While living there I learned that "cold" is a relative term. Most French people I met think it is really cold when it gets down to 0°C (freezing). I'd show up with a fall jacket on and they couldn't imagine that I could possibly be warm. I'd smile and tell them it was -40° in Iowa and they couldn't fathom being able to function at such extreme temperatures.

Snow was another area of misunderstanding. I tried to explain the concept of dry snow that couldn't be packed into snowballs but it was beyond their comprehension. I'd invite them to come visit and they'd shake their heads in horror and add, "Not in the winter!" It was quite humorous watching the French drive in snow. But I can cut them some slack since they usually have only one opportunity to practice each year and quite a few cars end up in the ditch here following the first snow each year.

Now I'm getting to experience a full Minnesota winter while carrying on with my business despite the elements. I must confess that when the first snow came on a Saturday, it felt very much like a snow day, even though it was only about 6 inches of very wet heavy stuff. (Dry snow is MUCH easier to shovel.) After that I was able to ride my bike a few more times to school but now it's just too cold and the streets are too messy. I still see brave souls pedaling away but personally, I'm grateful for my student bus pass. I have to leave earlier and it's not quite so easy to stop by the post office or the library on the way home but at least I get to school without watery eyes and a frozen face.

At this point I still like "real" winter. (Ask me in February or March if that is still the case.) I went out for a walk this afternoon and the new layer of snow that fell on Friday and Saturday made the city seem very clean and picturesque (if I didn't look at the streets.) The beauty of God's creation is seen in the desert and the cold north. So let it snow - and I need to buy a pair of boots!

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