Sunday, January 16, 2011

Syllabus shock

Going into this new semester I didn't think my class load would be to bad.  After all I no longer had Medical Terminology with its relentless pace of at least one test a week over at least 50 pages of material.  However, by the time I walked out of my last class on Tuesday afternoon I was wondering how I would fit it all in. 

Lifetime Development is a psychology class.  I had Intro to Psychology last semester and didn't find it very hard as I was familiar with quite a few of the concepts.  It didn't take me long to figure out that this one will be more difficult.  It should be since last semester we covered development from conception to death in one class period.  There has to be a few more details to stretch it out over a semester.  My professor is a young man who is passionate about the material and who expects us to show up in class having already read the material, "because I'm certainly not going to read the textbook to you." 

Chemistry is, well, chemistry.  It will be work to stay on top of the material.  My professor said encouraging things like, "It doesn't seem that difficult at the beginning but it will become more complex," and "Don't get behind or you won't be able to catch up."  Which he followed by, "Chemistry is so much fun!"  He really is enthusiastic about what he is teaching.  Maybe it helps that he is a full-time chemist at 3M.   

I was expecting my math class to be the easiest one of the semester but right now I'm not so sure.  I ended up in a hybrid class meaning that most of it is online and I only have to go to class during the month of January.  That doesn't sound too difficult.  But as I've begun doing the reading, working through a notebook and doing the homework online I've discovered that it can take three hours just to do one section.  That's way more time than I was spending last semester.  I've already seen that if I get behind, I'll be in trouble.

For now, the load looks rather large.  I'm reminded of a college friend who used to remind us all that come the end of the semester it will all be done.  And it will.  I just hope it is all done well.


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