Sunday, September 11, 2011

A typical week

People often used to ask me what my typical day was like. I usually responded, "I don't have one." Days are more typical now and my week is definitely predictable as well.

Monday: I have class in the morning followed by some time in the Learning Center with the models for Anatomy to get ready for Anatomy lab on Tues morning. I usually go grocery shopping on Mon and spend the rest of the afternoon studying. If all goes well I get some exercise before it gets dark.

Tuesday: I have class from 8 to 11. By the time 10:30 rolls around I'm starting to eye the clock. I don't think any Anatomy teacher could hold my attention for that long as my brain is rather full at that point. I have another class at 2:30 but I have time to come home, eat and do some studying. It helps that I'm less than 10 minutes from school by bike. This past week was livened up by a sunset walk around Lake Harriet with a friend.

Wednesday: I have one class in the morning beginning at 9:45. The rest of the afternoon is mine to study. I'm part of a home group that meets at 6:00 and sometimes I need to prepare food in the afternoon.

Thursday: See Tuesday. My class schedule is the same except I don't have Anatomy lab at 8:00. That makes it easier to pay attention during lecture.

Friday: I don't have any classes on Friday which makes it a great day to do my volunteer work in the OT department at the hospital. I'm there from 8 to 12. This past week I began tutoring 8 students in French as part of a homeschool co-op. They are all studying French so my role is to help them with oral comprehension and speaking. The challenge will be working with numerous levels all at the same time. This will be every other week on Friday afternoon. The other weeks are a great opportunity for a long bike ride.

Saturday: This fall I'll be working security at the University of Minnesota home football games. Yesterday I was there for 8 hours which involved at least 6 hours of standing near an elevator in a premium seating section. My basic task was telling people where the bathrooms and water fountains were and advising them to take the stairs when the elevators were shut down to allow the coaches to get from the field to their boxes and vice versa. Things were slow enough that I was able to review some of my anatomy flash cards.

Sunday: I do my best to keep this a quiet day, or at least a day of no studying. Besides church I try to get together with some friends. It's often my only chance to read something for pleasure or to get out my guitar. Today I spent the afternoon with some extended family.

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