Monday, June 18, 2012

HS class reunion

This past weekend as full of family events. Friday evening I attended the third wedding in four weeks where the toasts were done with milk and cookies. Saturday I played with my niece who still doesn't like it when I win. Sunday I attended an aunt and uncle's 50th wedding anniversary celebration. My aunt had saved all the cards she had received and one of her granddaughters modeled the pink bride's maid dress. My uncle remembers being on time to the rehearsal while bride showed up late. At that time on the farm, it was impossible to start the wedding before 8 pm. The farmers had to have time to finish their chores. Uncle Wes remembers looking up at the clock as they cut the cake and seeing that it was already after 10 pm.

The other event of the weekend was my 26th high school class reunion on Saturday evening. I guess we weren't organized enough to do it last year and in the end it grew to include the classes of '85 to '88. There were 11 in my class and 19 in the '87 class so even though four classes were included we all knew each other. Most of us haven't changed a whole lot. I recognized all but two people, though I must admit that the name tags helped remind me of the name that went with the face. A few weeks ago I dug out a paper I had written as a senior for English class that described our class. Reading through it brought back memories of events and personalities I had long since forgotten. And I noticed the other night that though we may be a little grayer or a little rounder, our personalities haven't changed. I also noticed that thankfully, my writing has gotten better over the years.

Here's the opening paragraph to my paper describing the class of 1986.
During the last four years our class has developed its own personality. As a class we tend to be on the lazy side when it comes to school work. We would just as soon not have to take notes. We would rather sit around and talk which is something we are very good at. Since we are such good talkers we can get into good discussions if the subject seems to interest us. If not then we just get the teachers off the subject. We are just an average class in most areas. We are average students, musicians, and athletes. We have different individuals who are stronger in one area than another, but on the whole we are just an average bunch of kids. If we put our minds to it we can do just about anything. One of the reasons is we get along fairly well. It helps when there is more girls than guys. That means the girls can overrule the guys which of course makes everything work more smoothly. There are times when “majority rules.” We are also very good at having a good time. We had all-night parties our freshman and senior years and had a great time. We were just a little tired the next day. We are also a rather creative bunch. We were a wedding party our junior year during homecoming week. As seniors we came up with the awesome idea of dressing up like crayons. Our one problem is we forgot to bring a color camera to record the event. Only our class could think of something as interesting as those two ideas.

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