Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Lesson Learned From Moving

A couple of months ago my flatmate told me she wanted to get a place on her own. I couldn't afford to live by myself and didn't really want to either so I faced the task of finding not only a place to live but also someone to live with. At times it seemed rather daunting. The first person suggested to me graduated from HS last year. There's nothing wrong with being 19 but I go to school with people in their 20s and the same is true for most people in my church. I really wanted some maturity in my life but it seemed that everyone who wanted/needed to live with someone else was under the age of 25, young enough to be my daughter. I checked out a couple of places I found on craigslist but I didn't like the idea of moving in with strangers. On the days I was anxious God would remind me that he would take care of me.

For about a month I thought I had found a solution. It was somewhat open ended since it depended on a couple from my church being able to buy a duplex. In the end that didn't work out and I was back to worrying again and being reminded that I'm to be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer make my requests known to God. As I did that I put an "ad" up at a large church. Within a couple of days I got an email from Jan. Long story short, she is a few years older than myself, has spent time living overseas, is back in school and wants to rent out two of the three extra bedrooms in her home that just happens to be across the street from two good friends of mine. Once we learned that we have some mutual friends, it didn't really feel like we were strangers. I am very thankful for the place and the people God provided in this great situation.

This past week as moving day approached God had to remind me once again that he is taking care of me. I was anxious about the actual moving process. My church talks a lot about being family to one another but it felt like my appeal for help in moving was falling on deaf ears. There was no need to be anxious about it. I should have remembered that I don't have lot of stuff (some of which is going back to my parents). And the help God provided was just what was needed: a family with their horse trailer and 3 hard working kids, a young man who is like a little brother to me and looked at it as his workout for the day and the two friends from across the street. Despite breaking the glass that covers the vegetable crisper in the fridge and spilling fruit salad in my car, I had a few minutes to put my feet up before everyone arrived a little after 6 yesterday evening. We had everything unloaded, the bed put together and were finished eating by 8:45.

I now have a guestroom and a housemate who is glad for the company so come visit!

1 comment:

  1. The housemate sounds wonderful, Alice. Thank you Lord for every provision! Sorry about the broken glass. -v
