Sunday, May 18, 2014

Don't be anxious

I've had some feedback that I'm not writing here much. That has far more to do with having to be careful about what stories are told publicly than not having any stories to tell. After all I have interesting co-workers who wonder what I tell other people about them. The Veterans with whom I interact have also been a joy to get to know. Even in the short time I've been here I can usually tell when they are doing well and when they are struggling with their mental health symptoms. It's great to see them take steps forward personally, socially, or requesting further treatment. Last week one of the Veterans hosted a party for others in the group. Evidently he's tried to do this several times in the past but no one came. This time people came, brought food, and stuck around for several hours. There was talk of having a similar get together later this summer. That is progress for everyone involved.

I only have five weeks left here in St. Cloud which will complete all the requirements for my degree. That is cause for great rejoicing. At the same time, it also brings some apprehension. Since I left France, the path has been laid out before me. Keep taking the classes and keep studying. The biggest question mark was whether or not I would get into one of the two OT programs I applied to. Mom asked if there was a plan B. I didn't have one and figured that bridge could be crossed if and when it came. I do know the next steps: pass my boards and find a job. The apprehension comes because there are lots of jobs but there don't seem to be any in the place I'd like to be. This morning's sermon was on the passage in Luke 12 where Jesus says not to be anxious because our heavenly Father, who takes care of birds and flowers, knows what we need. It was a timely reminder for me. God has provided for all my needs throughout my life. My savings may be dwindling but I will finish my education without going into debt. I do have a place to land when I'm done here, and the job opening needs to be there in August, not now. As I work on my resume this week I'll not worry, but instead make sure I'm ready when the job opening does come.

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