Sunday, April 17, 2011


One of the first people I met in France was a 2 year old boy with curly hair, the usual disproportionate body with legs far too short for the size of head and body they supported and a big smile. In fact that smile was so constant that drooling was a major issue. ("HaHee, don't drool!" Slurp.) As he learned to talk he came up with his own name for everyone important in his life. Older brother was Bubba; older sister was HeeHee; I became Allie and he gave himself the name of HaHee. His influence was great since pretty soon everyone was calling me Allie. HaHee was eventually able to call himself Geoffrey (or Jo) and me Aunt Alice. I suppose it was about the same time that everyone else stopped calling me Allie.

HaHee and his family played a big part in my adapting to France. I spent that first Christmas with them (and every other one after that when I was in France.) During my first year I lived in another town but I would go visit during breaks from language school. As much as I don't like seeing a 2 year old cry, it did warm my heart when he would cry when I left. His big heart for people was evident even then. Once I moved back to Lyon, I was living on my own for the first time. It was great to be able to stop by their home (an apartment above a car dealership which meant walking through the show room to get there) any time I needed some people time and be showered with love and affection by all three of those kids (and later their younger brother.)

HaHee has grown up. His hair is kept too short to see the curls. He's way past drooling and those short legs are now quite long. However, his smile hasn't changed. Then again maybe it has. From the pictures I have seen of his wedding yesterday, his smile was as big as it could possibly get. Now it's my turn to shed a few tears because I couldn't be there to celebrate with a little boy who won my heart as a two-year old.

Here's to 60+ years of marriage to Geoffrey and Aline from Aunt Alice!!!

1 comment:

  1. Alice, the tears are flowing as I read many memories of that precious two year old as we all watched him grow into the tall, handsome groom he was this past weekend, gazing lovingly into the eyes of his new bride. As his mother, it was a mixture of emotions to watch them take their vows and walk into this new chapter of life and believe me, we MISSED YOU being there to celebrate with us. You will always be a part of our lives, for now and forever!! We love you our dear "Aunt Allie"!
