Sunday, April 24, 2011


Back in January I began the process of finding a place to volunteer in a therapy setting. Once I found an opening at the Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC) it took awhile to work through the process of actually being able to begin. There was a volunteer orientation, a background check, making sure my immunizations were up to date and that I didn't have TB. Once that was completed I received the go ahead to begin. For the past three weeks I've been helping in the outpatient therapy department from 8 to 12 every Wednesday morning.

It has taken a bit of time to learn what I can do to help. I begin by making sure each booth is stocked with the necessary sheets, pillowcases and towels and help clean up after each patient leaves. I've helped with filing, making copies and empty the laundry bins a couple of times. One morning I was given the job of finding a patient's file that had been misplaced. With some clues for the therapists as to where it might be I was able to track it down.

I've also had opportunities to observe the therapists as they work with patients and a couple of the therapists go out of their way to explain different aspects of their work. HCMC is a unique situation since the patients range from high-power executives to the homeless.  Last week I played catch with an immigrant woman who needed a translator. This week I observed a woman being fitted with a portable traction device for her neck which she can use at home. I also was asked to keep an eye on a homeless man who had fallen asleep. The therapist couldn't wake him and figured there was no harm in letting him sleep for awhile. There was space and on that snowy morning, I'm sure he was delighted to have a warm, safe and comfortable environment for a nap. After she finished with her next patient she was able to wake him up and finish working with him. From what I've been able to observe, it can be a challenge to work with such a diverse group of patients but it also keeps the job interesting. You never know what will happen next.

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