Sunday, February 24, 2013


Last Thursday afternoon during a kinesiology lab that had to do with different types of levers, I had the following conversation.
- Professor: What class of lever is this?
- Me: I don't know. 
- Professor: That's why I asked you read the chapter before you came to class.
- Me: I thought studying for the anatomy test we had this morning was more important. (same class and same professor)
- Professor: You could have at least read it.
At that point I decided it wasn't worth going into the details of the week and asking him what he thought I should left undone.

I spent Monday studying for a mid-term on Tuesday in our Occupation Through Compensation class. We only have 2 exams in that class so I figured I'd better study, even if much of it seems like common sense. Once I started reading the questions I'm glad I at least looked at the material on Monday and a bit on Tues morning during the slow times at work.

We got out of work a bit late on Tuesday since a plane was late and I had a spin out on the way home resulting in the passenger side of the car slamming against the curb hard enough that I got out to assess the damage. One rim looked seriously bent but the tire was intact so I headed on home. As shaky as the steering wheel was when I hit 30 mph, I was glad that was all the faster anyone expected me to go. By the time I got home both tires on that side of the car were half flat. Thankfully one of my housemates could take me to school as there was no time to take the bus. By the time I got home following two tests the only thing on my mind was getting my car into the shop. Thankfully the tires were still only half flat so I was able to drive it to a garage rather than calling a tow-truck. The rest of my evening was spent studying for the hardest anatomy exam of the semester (per our professor). I ran out of energy at 8 and went to bed on schedule.

Wednesday we had class all day after which I went to pick up my car. Thankfully the tires were fine, I just needed a new rim/wheel and a realignment. Back home again I kept working on muscles, nerves and arteries in the back, forearm, and hand. I normally go to house church on Wednesday evening but I stayed home and studied until 8:30

Thursday morning I went to work and then off to school again. We had our anatomy test and I actually did quite well - better than the first one. Once that was over, we sat through a lecture on statistics for our research class. None of us had done the reading for that class either. After a break at so we could eat, we had the kinesiology lab. No, I really didn't need to read that chapter before hand. I probably got more out of it after the fact because I actually understood what it was talking about.

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