Sunday, April 21, 2013

Taking a Break

It was a great relief to finish off the semester over a week ago. It took a few days, but I was able to slow down while taking care of things that I've been putting off.  Saturday I did my taxes. Monday morning I went to the dentist at 7:00 and enjoyed leaving with clean teeth. Later that morning I went to the chiropractor while a simple recall on my car was taken care of. My neck and back were in great need of an adjustment after two semesters of grad school spent reading or staring at a computer screen.

My other main objective for this break has been to catch up on my social life. Last summer I helped a friend with an estate sale for her aunt and was given a cous-cousière because I actually knew what it was. Friday evening I finally put it to use and made cous-cous for these friends. Though I have often eaten cous-cous, this was my first attempt at making the dish myself. It turned out great. I made a huge pot and was able to serve four friends on Sunday and two others later in the week and still have a bit to bring to my parents so my family could have a taste. It has been wonderful to welcome some friends into my home and have the time to sit and catch up. A friend I talked to on Skype said I sounded busy. In reality the slower pace has also allowed me to take a nap almost every day.

I am currently at my parents for the first time since New Year's. Yesterday we enjoyed family game night with my 10 year old niece. A game of charades brought much laughter especially since Dad and I aren't very good at the game. Thankfully there are no video cameras to record our antics.

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