Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ready to Start

Our third semester begins tomorrow. I have four classes: neuroanatomy, remediation (rehabilitation), occupational therapy in a work setting, and OT in a mental health setting. Those aren't the official names, but they work for me. The only other thing I know about the classes are the required books, which have all arrived. Everything else can wait until tomorrow morning. I may regret not getting an earlier start next Saturday if I'm scrambling to finish the assignments for Week 1, but I'll deal with that then. In the meantime I will be thankful for the blessing of a break that allowed me to rest and renewed my motivation. The summer-like weather this weekend gave me the opportunity to watch a couple of high school rugby games, wear sandals, and get in my first bike ride of the season.

One of the things I discovered over break is the reason for the tension and sometimes pain in my shoulders and hips. Because I spend so much of my time sitting with my head tilted forward, the muscles in the front of these joints have shortened causing the ones in the back to be overstretched resulting in intermittent pain. There isn't much I can do about the amount of time I'm required to read or stare at a computer screen. However, I've begun adding some stretching for my hip flexors, chest and neck to my routine. Hopefully that will make a difference. The chiropractor I found in Minneapolis said the people who need the most chiropractic care are students and people who work at a desk. That means there is hope for the future. Practicing OTs usually don't spend much time sitting!

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